Campus Initiatives

十大彩票网赌平台正努力通过各种方式成为一个可持续的、碳中和的校园. Many of these initiatives have been practiced at 十大彩票网赌平台 for years since they are also consistent with operating in an efficient, cost-effective manner.


We’ve set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2060 through participation in the Second Nature Carbon Commitment (formerly the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment). As a signatory to this commitment ,我们对“全球变暖前所未有的规模和速度”表示担忧 and its potential for large-scale, adverse health, social, economic and ecological effects.” Learn more:

It takes a lot of energy to make 十大彩票网赌平台 run! The college uses almost 20 million kWh of electricity each year, and almost 1 million ccf of natural gas. After commuting, electricity 和天然气消耗是十大彩票网赌平台碳足迹的两个最大贡献者. Some of the things we’ve done to reduce our energy consumption include:

  • 我们已经开发了加热和冷却季节的温度程序,以促进节约.
  • We minimize HVAC fan system and equipment run times.
  • 我们为高效照明、暖通空调、电机、 and VFDs. From our point of view, “off” is better than “on” and “slow” is better than “fast.”
  • We’ve installed occupancy sensors in classrooms and office areas.
  • 我们已经淘汰了白炽灯,安装了T-8荧光灯和电子灯泡 ballasts, compact fluorescent lamps, and LED fixtures in parking lots.
  • 我们在职业教育大楼安装了两个“绿色屏幕”和一个网站 to promote and display energy conservation information.
  • 我们在职业教育大楼的屋顶上安装了太阳能板 generate enough energy to produce hot water for the entire 123,000 s.f. building.
  • 董事会政策要求我们购买能源之星评级的产品和设备 reasonably practical.

On a global and local level, food choices affect greenhouse gas emissions through 交通运输、用于种植和加工食物的能源、水质、公共卫生、 and strengthening the local economy

How we eat matters. A plant based diet is the number four (4) climate change solutions 根据《十大彩票网赌平台》一书 global warming edited by Paul Hawken. Globally food production and the production 尤其是肉类,产生的温室气体与发电厂一样多.

  • Campus based food venues purchase locally grown products
  • Increase food availability on campus
  • Promote healthy eating by growing your own produce

我们做了一些事情来支持校园里的可持续食品和农业 include:

  • 美国蜜蜂校园-为了吸引和培育十大彩票网赌平台的蜜蜂,校园提供了许多蜜蜂友好的场所 native flowers, a core garden, non-toxic fertilization and eradication techniques, as well as educational events about pollinators.
  • 食物森林-由可持续发展扫盲工作组(SLTF)建立 位于十大彩票网赌平台校园内的森林提供了食物和栖息地,作为当地的解决方案 climate crisis.
  • Hoop House / Core Garden -这个种子库的存在进一步帮助了WTMC 它的使命是探索可持续的做法在我们的箍房,并允许许多 in the community to start their own gardens. Providing all people in the academic 而更大的社区则需要教育和材料来培养自己的一部分能力 food is the essence of inclusion and social justice.
  • Nature trail with native plants - The nearly two miles of campus trails are dotted with nine interpretive signs. The nature trail is used by biology, geology, environmental science, art and photography students and faculty, as well as the general public.
  • 农药——有害生物综合管理计划(IPM)概述了一个四层方法 not to eliminate pests, but to find a balance in the landscape. The program avoids 所有农药在敏感地区和花园的使用,如食物森林,WTMC环 House, green roofs, and other designated pesticide free zones.
  • Seed Library – The Seed Library was established in 2015 within the Bailey Library where students, staff, and community members can get seeds for free to start their own garden, learn about seed sowing, protect open -pollinated and unique varieties and support the fight against climate change. This will be a place to educate the 十大彩票网赌平台 community about gardening and saving their seeds for future crops.
  • Tree Campus USA - 十大彩票网赌平台成为密歇根州四所获此殊荣的大学之一 由植树节基金会和密歇根部门颁发的美国校园树认证 of Natural Resources.
  • Around 200 tons of solid waste are disposed of by the college each year. This waste 向大气中排放约2亿吨二氧化碳当量的温室气体.

    To further reduce our waste:

    • We’ve implemented a comprehensive campus recycling program. We now recycle paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, and glass.
    • We compost food and yard waste.
    • 学院现在最大限度地减少校园出版物的新闻运行,与实际情况一致 need; and reduced or eliminated the distribution of phone books; switching to online directories.
    • We’ve reduced the use of Third Class junk mail.
    • We have a goal to recycle at least 80% of the campus waste stream. We’re currently at 48%.
    • We participate in the annual RecycleMania event and have placed in the top ten in the Waste Minimization category in recent years.

    For more information, look at the Recycling Services website.

    该校拥有近1万名全日制学生和1000多名教职员工, there is a lot of commuting to 十大彩票网赌平台’s campus every week. For example, we estimate that students drive more than 23 million miles and consume almost 1 million gallons of gasoline in a year!


    • 我们为学生、教职员工提供免费乘车补贴 away from campus to anyone with an ID.
    • We provide free, needs based, bus passes to students.
    • We’ve encouraged ridesharing through Commuter Connect.
    • We’ve increased the number of bike racks on campus.
    • 我们为低排放或节能的用户提供了指定的优先停车位 vehicles for LEED projects.
    • We’ve installed 6 electric vehicle fueling stations in our parking structure.

    休伦河是我们校园的北部边界,与十大彩票网赌平台有着密切的联系 to water. We’ve been working hard to both conserve water usage and to minimize the impact of our waste water, such as:

    • We’ve switched to waterless and one-pint urinals.
    • We’ve installed automatic faucets in lavatories.
    • We’ve eliminated all water consuming air compressors and condensers on campus.
    • We’ve replaced water consuming heating pumps in our Energy Center.
    • We’ve specified pervious paving in the Fitness Center parking lot; the Athletic Fields parking lot; and the 56 space parking lot of the Parking Structure to be completed later this spring.
    • 我们在我们的运动场上建造了生物威尔士来清除淤泥和水污染物 from surface runoff water.
    • 我们在职业教育大楼的部分地方建造了植物屋顶 and the Parking Structure.
    • 我们在职业教育大楼的屋顶上安装了一个雨水收集器 to irrigate the building’s partial vegetated roof.
    • We use native plant landscaping in certain areas of the campus.

    The campus comprises 19 buildings totaling 1,007,251 square feet. Buildings range in size from under 200-sf storage facilities to the 180,000-sf Crane Liberal Arts & Science Center. The oldest building is the Technical & Industrial building (1970); the 2 newest facilities are the Health & Fitness Center (2007) and a new parking structure (2012). The average age of the building stock is 23 years old. Buildings are centralized 285英亩的场地周围有地面停车场、环城公路和自然景观 areas.

    所有这些都会影响我们的能源消耗、水消耗和整体环境 footprint and our bottom line. To reduce the impact of buildings on campus we have 尝试在我们的新建筑中使用可持续和绿色建筑设计原则 and remodeling. These include:

    • 我们在新建筑的选址上尽量减少对环境和交通的影响.
    • 我们设计了最先进的能源效率和大大超过能源 codes.
    • We require the use of environmentally friendly building materials and products.
    • We’ve included recycling collection space and systems in building design programs.
    • We recycle construction and demolition debris.
    • We’ve used the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system to guide design and certify new and remodeled buildings. Board policy dictates that all new buildings and major remodeling will be designed at least to 达到LEED银级,并获得至少40%的能源绩效积分.

    Sustainability means protecting the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) as well as the outdoor environment. To maintain a high IEQ:

    • We use low VOC paints.
    • 对于新建筑和大型改造,我们会先运行建筑的通风系统 to occupancy to remove VOCs in the building.
    • 我们监测和实验室测试室内空气质量在装修期间被占用的建筑物.
    • 我们在装修期间指定低排放材料,包括粘合剂和密封剂 for carpet, rubber floors, VCT, and ceramic tile.
    • 我们已经淘汰了复合木材和农业纤维产品(刨花板, MDF, plywood, and wheat-board) that contain urea-formaldehyde resins.
    • We specify furniture and seating that is Greenguard certified.
    • 我们在所有建筑物入口处安装了行走垫,以捕获灰尘,水和其他物质 materials tracked inside by people and equipment.

    我们清洁建筑物的方式会影响使用清洁产品的员工 在建筑内工作的学生、教职员工和外部环境. Some things we’ve done to make a greener cleaning program are:

    • 我们已经实施了绿色清洁计划,购买的大部分都是经过GS-37认证的绿色印章 cleaning products.
    • We use recycled content paper products; and have begun to install (BEB only) hand air-dryers to eliminate the use of paper.
    • 我们购买了符合地毯要求的可持续清洁设备 & Rug Institute’s (CRI) Green Label, when it’s practical to do so.
    • We’ve established guidelines for safe handling and storage of cleaning chemicals.
    • We’ve installed hand sanitizers in all building classrooms and labs.

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