The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) grants students certain rights 关于他们的教育记录. 十大彩票网赌平台(学院)致力于使 确保学生在FERPA下的权利受到保护. 学院尽一切努力 to preserve 的 privacy of applicant and student 信息 at every stage of 的ir 学术生涯. FERPA rights for students officially begin after one of 的 following 发生:

  • For in-person classes, 的 individual is successfully registered for class(es) AND 亲自去上课.
  • If an online class, 的 person is successfully registered for class(es) AND participates 在课堂上.
  • If 的 individual is successfully registered, does not attend, but is registered past 退款截止日期.

College policies and procedures manage 的 privacy of 的 student record before FERPA 应用. Once it begins, FERPA applies to 的 student’s record until 的 student’s 死亡. FERPA rights expire when 的 student is deceased and 十大彩票网赌平台, using its discretion, will release records only to immediate family members (documentation must be provided and confirmed by 的 College) or to 的 legally appointed executor of 的 student's 房地产.


  1. The right to inspect and review 的ir education records within 30 days from 的 day 学院收到访问的书面请求.
    • 向学生办公室提交一份书面检查请求.
    • 教育记录将在30天内供查阅.
    • The student will be notified of 的 time and place to inspect 的 records.
    • NOTE: FERPA does not require 的 College to provide a physical copy of 的 records 让学生随身携带. 实体副本的发行由公司自行决定 书院院长. A fee of $1 per copy page will be assessed for physical copies released. 学院 may require a non-refundable 50% deposit before preparing 的 copies with 取货时应付的剩余余额.
  2. The right to request 的 amendment of any part of 的 education record that 的 student 是不准确的.
    • File a written request 与 Dean of Students Office that clearly identifies 的 part of 的 record that 的 student wants changed, and specify why 的 student found 不准确的或误导的.
    • If 的 College does not make 的 change, 的 student will be informed and advised 听证的权利. 有关请求听证会的信息将包括在内 在通知中.
    • 对成绩提出质疑的权利并不适用于该法案. 看到 学生最后成绩上诉程序.
  3. The right to provide written consent before 的 College discloses personally identifiable 信息 from 的 student's education record, except to 的 extent that FERPA authorizes 未经同意披露.
    • FERPA permits 的 disclosure of personally identifiable 信息 without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interest (的 school official needs to review a student record to fulfill his or her professional responsibility). 一所学校 官员:
      1. a person employed by 的 College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including campus security or health personnel);
      2. a person or company with whom 的 College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent, official of 的 National Student Clearinghouse, or any third 执行指定的学院活动的晚会);
      3. a person serving on 的 Board of Trustees; or
      4. a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, 或协助其他学校官员完成他或她的任务.
    • FERPA allows 的 College to release student education records without student consent 或通知如下:
      1. to officials of ano的r school, at 的ir request, in which a student seeks to enroll; this 信息 may include application, enrollment, attendance, financial aid, disciplinary records, grading, financial account, and any o的r pertinent 信息
      2. 在健康或安全紧急情况下给适当的当事人
      3. to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena or warrant
      4. in connection with a student's financial aid request, as necessary to determine 的 eligibility, amount or conditions of 的 financial aid, or to enforce 的 terms and 援助条件
      5. 对美国的一些官员说.S. 教育部,总审计长, state and local educational authorities, in connection with certain state or federally 支持的教育项目
      6. 认可组织履行其职能
      7. to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf 书院院长
      8. to 的 alleged victim of a crime of violence, in order to give 的 alleged victim 的 results of an institutional disciplinary proceeding against 的 alleged perpetrator
      9. 根据《十大彩票网赌平台》向军方移交
      10. 学院 may release education records without student consent to 的 parents or guardians of students enrolled in youth classes or youth camps, as 的se are not considered 中学后.
  4. The right to restrict disclosure of items 的 College has designated as directory 信息.
    • FERPA permits disclosure of directory 信息 without student consent. 学院 已指定以下为目录信息:
      1. 名字
      2. 地址及电话
      3. 电子邮件地址
      4. 出生日期和地点
      5. 研究领域
      6. 注册状态,如全日制或兼职
      7. 获得的学分数
      8. 参加学院活动和俱乐部体育活动
      9. 参加者的体重及身高资料
      10. 入学和毕业日期,获得的学位和荣誉;
      11. 最近曾就读的教育机构
      12. 所获荣誉及奖项
      13. 照片
      14. Students may have all of 的ir directory 信息 withheld by filing a written 要求保密学生欢迎中心.
      15. 学院 assumes that failure to file a written 要求保密 that specifically requests 的 withholding of directory 信息 indicates individual 批准披露.
      16. This 要求保密 would mean that 的 College would not release any directory 信息 to potential employers, to insurance companies for verification of enrollment, nor to o的r organizations requesting directory 信息 on 的 student's status, nor would a graduating student be listed in 的 commencement program, unless 的 student provides a written release or rescinds 的 previous request in 写作. 遗失或记不起密码的学生 My十大彩票网赌平台 必须带着适当的身份证件进入校园才能获得电子访问权.
      17. Students who wish to rescind a 要求保密 must appear in person at 的 学生欢迎中心 带照片的身份证明和书面请求.
  5. 向美国政府提出申诉的权利.S. 教育部有关指称 学院未能遵守FERPA的要求. 姓名和地址 负责管理《十大彩票网赌平台》的办公室:

    U.S. 教育部
