

To place an outgoing call from any phone on campus, lift the h和set - dial 7 plus the 10 digit phone number including the country code. Ex. 7 - 1 - xxx - 555 - 5555.


  1. Flip phone over 和 locate the cords on the bottom of the phone
  2. Unplug both cords for 5 seconds 和 plug them back into the same ports
  3. Wait approximately 45 seconds 和 the phone will boot up at this point it should work.
  1. 按下 button just underneath the Login text on the screen.
  2. Enter the 4 digit extension that you would like to be logged into.
  3. 按下 button just underneath the Enter text on the screen.
  4. If you are prompted for a passcode enter 123456, if this does not work please enter 922922 (wccwcc).
  5. If you did not logout of the previous phone you had your extension logged into you will be prompted to take over the extension for this phone. 按下下面的按钮 屏幕上的Continue文本.
  6. 您已十大彩票网赌平台登录Avaya 9608
  1. 新闻 button just underneath the login text on the screen.
  2. Enter the 4 digit extension that you would like to be logged into.
  3. 按下 button enter underneath the text on the screen
  4. If you are prompted for a passcode enter 123456, if this does not work please enter 922922 (wccwcc).

有关更详细的说明和图片: 呼叫转移 (pdf)

Procedure to activate external call forward to a cell or other external number ( Avaya 9608):

  1. 进入“Feature”界面
  2. 滚动选择“前进”
  3. 滚动到“无条件转发”
  4. 切换到“开”
  5. 呼叫类型切换到" all "
  6. In the “destination” field enter the destination number which you want to forward 你的电话. Ex; 7(xxx)xxx-xxxx
  7. 按“保存”


  1. 进入“Feature”界面
  2. 滚动选择“前进”
  3. 切换到“关闭”
  4. 按“保存”

步骤1引脚设置说明: 只有 follow these steps If you have not set up your Voicemail PIN (Your Access Code). 你必须用你的Avaya办公室电话. 您只需要执行此步骤一次.

  1. 刻度盘 *17
  2. 输入您的分机号和 按#.
  3. 默认密码为 #. 按下 #键.
  4. 系统要求您输入新密码.  输入一个 新密码按#.  你的密码 cannot be the same as your extension number or a set of repeated 数字或连续数字. 
  5. 重新进入 新密码 并按 #.
  6. 当提示时记录下你的名字. 
  7. 按1 听到提示音,说出你的名字.
  8. 按1 再一次。. 你的录音被回放了
  9. 要么 按# 接受录音或 按1 再录一次.
  10.  障碍

注意:提示告诉您该做什么.  随时寻求帮助 按* 4. 返回活动菜单 按* 7.  如果你在菜单的最后,你可以 按# 返回到上一个菜单.  你现在可以挂断了.

STEP 2: First-Time 启用远程呼叫前转说明: 只有 follow these steps to Set 和 Save Your 呼叫前转号码 Or to Change Your Previously Saved 呼叫前转号码. 您应该只需要执行此步骤一次.

  1. 呼叫 734-249-5661
  2. 等待消息 to finish (if you don’t wait until the entire message is finished, it won’t work)
  3. 输入 最后4位数字 你办公室的电话分机
  4. 输入您的 访问代码 (语音信箱密码),然后是 #键.
  5. Select 选项1 
  6. 如果你收到一条“未定义”的信息, 按1 再一次。.
  7. Enter the eleven-digit forwarding phone number (your cell phone number) with a 7 preceding the phone number 并按 the #键 after you enter the phone number. 例7 + 1 + Area Code + Phone number + # OR 717349733300#
  8. 新闻 选项1 启用呼叫前转.
  9. 挂断电话
  10. Follow disabling instructions on next page 禁用呼叫前转.

To set remote 呼叫转移 after the first time, following these instructions:


  1. 呼叫 734-249-5661
  2. 等待消息 to finish (if you don’t wait until the entire message is finished, it won’t work)
  3. 输入 最后4位数字 你办公室的电话分机
  4. 输入您的 访问代码 (语音信箱密码),然后是 #键
  5. 现在选择 选项3 将呼叫前转设置为开启状态
  6. 当提示时记录下你的名字
  7. 新闻 选项1 启用呼叫前转
  8. 挂断电话

To disable remote 呼叫转移, follow these instructions:


  1. 呼叫 734-249-5661
  2. 等待消息 to finish (if you don’t wait until the entire message is finished, it won’t work)
  3. 输入 最后4位数字 你办公室的电话分机
  4. 输入您的 访问代码 (语音信箱密码),然后是 #键
  5. 现在选择 选项3 将呼叫前转设置为“关闭”
  6.  新闻 选项2 禁用呼叫前转
  7. 障碍

互联网电话用户指南 (pdf)

9608/9608G/9611G桌面电话用户指南 (pdf)

To help with limited cellphone coverage in areas of the 十大彩票网赌平台 Campus, Enable Wi-Fi calling 在智能手机上.

 Please follow the instructions below to enable Wi-Fi calling on your Smartphone. Please note the Android OS versions can vary, 和 you may need to contact your Service Provider for detailed instruction to enable Wi-Fi calling if the instructions below 不适合您的设备.



Also, note that you may incur additional charges for making calls over Wi-Fi, so check 向您的移动服务供应商查询详情. Wi-Fi通话可能无法使用 在十大彩票网赌平台校园的每个区域.


  1. 拨打* 17
  2. 输入您的分机号码,然后按#.
  3. 您的密码默认为#. 按#键.
  4. 系统要求您输入新密码.  输入新密码并按#.  你的密码 cannot be the same as your extension number or a set of repeated digits or consecutive 数字.
  5. 再次输入新密码并按#. 您可以在以后修改密码 if you would like using the instruction of changing your password.
  6. 当提示时记录下你的名字.  你可以稍后再录一遍你的名字 would like following the instructions of recording your name.
  7. 听到提示音按1,说出你的名字.
  8. 再次按1. 你的录音被回放了
  9. 要么 按# 接受录音或 1 再录一次.
  10.  提示告诉您该做什么.  请随时按*4寻求帮助. 恢复活动 菜单键*7.  如果你在菜单的最后,你可以 按# to return to the 以前的菜单.  你现在可以挂断了.
  1.  Log back into your mailbox by press *17 和 login with your new pass code.
  2. 按3选择个人问候语
  3. 按1创建问候语
  4.  按1 for Greeting number 1, there are (1-9 different greetings you could record)
  5. 十大彩票网赌平台 speaking at the tone to record your greeting, once you have finished 按1.
  6. 新闻 # to confirm 和 save greeting, 和 then activate greeting to play for all calls.
  1. 拨打* 17 or you may use your Visual Voice button
  2. 输入您的分机(邮箱)号码,按#.
  3. 输入您的语音信箱密码并按#.  登录后,语音提示告诉 你该怎么做.
  1. 刻度盘 your Direct Number or extension Number, or have someone transfer you to your 分机,或者您可以拨总机号码
  2. Wait for the voicemail system to respond 和 ask you to leave a message.
  3. After the tone, do not leave a message but 按#.  在某些情况下,你可能会听到 没有要保存的消息.
  4. 拨打* 7. You are asked to select the mailbox that you require.
  5. 输入您自己的分机号码并按#.
  6. When prompted enter your mailbox password 并按 #. 你会听到你的总结 语音信箱信息正常.

Note: You can also dial the Backdoor Number to voicemail ____________then dial * the system will prompt you to enter your mailbox 和 passcode.

  1. 登录你的邮箱.  宣布新消息的数量.  公告 tells you how many of those messages priority messages are.
  2. 请按2接收您的留言.  或者,您可以按7快速扫描 通过你的留言.
  • If any of your messages are faxes, you can press*1 to forward them.
  • When you listen to your messages you have the following options:
  • Skip the message header 和 listen to message: 新闻 0
  • 回复或转发留言:按1
  • 转发传真留言:按“*1”
  • 重启消息:按2
  • 暂停/恢复:按3
  • 倒带5秒:按5
  • 前进5秒:按6
  • 重启:按*5
  • 跳过消息:按#
  • 重播头:按23
  • 删除并继续下一条消息:按*3
  • Restore the message that you just deleted: 新闻 **8
  • Leave message in current category 和 skip to next: 新闻 **4
  • 返回上一条信息:按*2
  • 跳到下一个类别的消息:按*#
  • 挂断并结束语音信箱:按**9


按4. 系统提示您录制新消息.  记录您的评论并按 #完成录制.


While you enter addresses, you can press *2 to switch between entering an address 通过分机号或匹配用户名.

Enter Mailbox number (or dial the required name) 和 then 按#

Repeat until you have entered all the mailboxes to which you want to forward the message

按*5选择和添加邮件列表.  系统要求您输入邮箱号码 of the mailing lists owner 和 then the number of the list.





To Mark the forward message as priority: press 2


While you are on the phone with the caller, press your Message Button

Enter the Extension number you would like to transfer the caller to.

按下选择.  挂断电话.
