
If you have served 我们的 country or are the spouse or child of someone who has served in the military, you may be able to take advantage of military-affiliated education 好处.

退伍军人权利法》® 好处 may be used for 学术项目 that lead to a degree or certificate. 还有十大彩票网赌平台 学费较低 和其他 节约成本的 好处, you’ll get the education you need at a price you can afford!

Other military 好处 may be used for 学术项目 or for 快速岗位培训 能让你迅速进入职业生涯的项目.

Please visit the below websites for the most up to date information.

Note: if you have connection issues, please change y我们的 browser settings or use a 不同的浏览器.



The Montgomery 退伍军人权利法》 ®(Chapter 30) assists students who entered active duty for the first time after July 1, 1985, and who agreed to have their pay reduced by $100 12个月. 了解更多有关 退伍军人权利法》®.


Vocational rehabilitation provides 好处 to service members who have served on 或在9月以后. 16, 1940, and have a service-connected disability which is at least 退伍军人事务部规定的20%致残. 此外,必须确定职业 需要康复来克服就业障碍. 了解更多关于 职业康复.


Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 退伍军人权利法》® provides up to 36 months of 好处 for school or 职业培训. 福利包括:

  • 学杂费
  • 住房资金
  • 书籍和用品的费用高达1000美元
  • 一次性农村搬迁补助500美元

了解更多有关 911后退伍军人法案®.


If you’re on active duty or in the Selected Reserve, you may be able to transfer the unused portion of Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》® 好处 to a qualified spouse or dependent children 帮助支付:

  • 学费
  • 住房
  • 书籍及用品

了解更多有关 9/11后退伍军人法案®福利的转移.


Dependent or surviving spouses or children may qualify for the following 好处 在某些条件下:

  • 教育和培训
  • 学费、书费和补给费
  • 住房资金

了解更多关于 第三十五章福利.


Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force Marine Corps or Coast Guard Reserves, Army National Guard or Air National Guard may be eligible for up to 36 months of education and training 好处.

了解更多有关 蒙哥马利GI法案®选定的储备福利.


This program ended November 25, 2015 however, you may be eligible for Post-9/11 好处. 了解更多关于 收获.

  • 海军陆战队射击中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金

Provides Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》® 好处 to the children and surviving spouses of service members who died in the line of duty while on active duty after September 10, 2001.

了解更多有关 海军陆战队射击中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金.


If you are applying for y我们的 educational 好处 for the first time, use the 退伍军人网上申请 .

访问我们的 Wadhams退伍军人中心 如果你有任何问题. 请注意,虽然我们提供多种帮助, 我们的 退伍军人中心的工作人员无法确定您的资格 的好处.

For more information regarding y我们的 eligibility, please contact the VA Educational 热线:888-442-4551或浏览网站 gibill.va.政府 .


新同学: 申请您的GI法案®教育福利. 如果你是一个新学生谁没有 used 退伍军人权利法》® Educational 好处 before at any institution of higher learning, please 应用使用 va.政府. 查看所有列表 退伍军人权利法》 ®教育益处 .

提交您的资格证书(COE): Please submit y我们的 COE letter from the VA stating eligibility and length of entitlement (Chp 33 and 35) to the School Certifying Official at the Wadhams退伍军人中心. You will receive this 4-8 weeks after you apply for y我们的 好处 using the va.政府 过程. If you have not yet received y我们的 COE, you may substitute a DD-214 or other proof of 好处 eligibility, but you will still need to submit a COE as soon as 你收到了.

转学: 请提交表格 VA 22-1995地点或培训的变更 从另一所学校转学时的COE.




  • 军事记录. 您可以访问您的 在线军事成绩单.
  • DD 214 member 4 copy (military discharge papers) unless still on active military duty.
  • The documents must show the exact title of the c我们的se, location of the c我们的se, and 以周为单位的课程长度.


Transcripts need to be submitted as soon as possible but not later than the end of y我们的 first semester in order for 十大彩票网赌平台 to continue certifying y我们的 课程 to the VA. Credit is granted for military training as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) if it applies to y我们的 program of study at 十大彩票网赌平台.


请与 资深学生顾问 to schedule classes within y我们的 program prior to registration. 探索 类清单 在你预约之前.

退伍军人的福利有时可能会延迟发放. 参加十大彩票网赌平台学生付款计划 在付款截止日期前继续上课. 注册后, 登录十大彩票网赌平台计费与支付系统, then pick the payment plan tab and set up regular deductions from a bank account 或者信用卡. 你也可以建立一个付款计划.


你必须遵循 进度标准 才有资格获得VA教育福利认证. 你必须阅读,签名 并归还原件 进度标准 to the 十大彩票网赌平台 Certifying Official prior to y我们的 first semester of enrollment at 十大彩票网赌平台.

我们遵守 选择法案,第702条 . You are eligible for in-state tuition (regardless of y我们的 formal state of residence) if you live in the State of Michigan while attending 十大彩票网赌平台 and are receiving educational 协助下:

  • 第30章蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®-现役计划
  • Chapter 33 Post-9/11 退伍军人权利法》®, of title 38, United States Code and/or
  • 海军陆战队枪炮中士约翰·大卫·弗莱奖学金(38 U).S.C. 3311(b)(9)).

For more information regarding 我们的 residency policy, please check 我们的 户口页.

Air Force Credentialing Opportunities Online (COOL) is a way for enlisted Airmen to earn industry recognized certifications and licenses to enhance active duty work and 让他们为文职工作做好准备.

了解更多关于 空军COOL.

使用你的空军COOL福利 快速岗位培训 or 学术项目.

海军很酷 allows enlisted Navy and Marine Corps members have the option to use official res我们的ces to help meet civilian credential requirements related to their military 培训和经历.


使用你的海军COOL福利 快速岗位培训 or 学术项目.

Soldiers may receive up to $4,000 books, supplies and materials for approved training 课程. 了解更多关于 陆军认证援助.

使用你的军队认证援助福利 快速岗位培训 or 学术项目.

Those who are in the Michigan National Guard (and Air National Guard?)可能符合资格 for up to $600 per credit h我们的 or $6,000 per year in combined tuition and fees. 学习 更多关于 MINGSTAP.

使用你的退伍军人法案的福利 快速岗位培训 or 学术项目.

This program provides military spouses up to $4,000 in financial assistance for licenses, certifications, or associate degrees toward an occupation or career field. 了解更多 关于 MyCAA.

使用你的MyCAA福利 快速岗位培训 or 学术项目.

退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information 关于 education 好处 offer d by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
